So it seems Tucker will rise above the antics of his meddling little brother, Young Harlan Pepper (
YHP). It seems that for the past month or so
YHP has been telling Tucker to erase his digital footprint for fear of a
cyber-attack or worse. So, Tucker, always erring on the side of what would keep his secret identity secret, chose to stop blogging.
Ahem. Then one fine day, Tucker came across this
Blog and realized he had been duped once again by the disreputable
YHP. Oh, the blood boiled and the whiskers flashed on Tucker's face.

But only for a minute, because beneath 60 pounds of fur, Tucker is magnanimous and understanding. And in his wisdom, he knows that he is more than just a blogger with pictures and snappy phrases. He, Tucker, is a dog of deep thought, warm feelings and flickering tail. So he has decided to revise his text and image foray into the electronic note keeping world. And he will welcome, even follow, the fun picture-based blog of his brother, YHP.
Because Tucker, unlike the vain

YHP, has been paying attention to the flurry of excitement and the changes around the house. And he thinks his parents might be getting another puppy soon. He will keep everyone posted. Although, his father seems a bit distracted to take the time to help him with the longer posts (he thinks his father may secretly be helping YHP with his blog).