Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The long Con

Tucker has been busted. His dad figured out his game.Tucker, the lovable, fluffy white rapscallion is, in reality, a grifter. No, it's true. After viewing a series of detective shows and such, Tucker's dad put 2 and 2 together and came up with the truth that Tucker's seeming niceness and good behavior is really some sort of con job. And that once he has eliminated the competition, then Tucker will pull the string, push the button, snap the fingers and the trap will be set.

The evidence is in the pudding, as the criminologists say. Every day YHP sneaks downstairs to eat the cat's food, sleeps on the bed when the parents are out and attacks his brother without provocaion; Dexter turns the trash bin into confetti and sleeps on the couch despite barricades and books placed in her way to make it uncomfortable; the Baron...well we all know what he does that is bad. But Tucker? He just stands and stares with his big brown Thurman Murman eyes as says, "pleased to meet you, my name is Tucker." There's something just not right about that sort of good behavior in a dog. He is somehow controlling the others, spurring them on to make himself look better and make them look... more like dogs.

In his defense, Tucker denies this insidious accusation. He says there is no wool to pull over his gumshoe dad's eyes. He is genuinely a nice dog. And Tucker would be sad if his dad were to sell off his siblings to a foreign labor market and/or army because of their routine bad behavior. Tucker says he chooses to be good only because he wants to be. There is no scam old man, he tells his dad.

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