Monday, December 29, 2008

New Year List

Tucker is busy putting together a list for his New Year's resolutions. He has even put some together for his siblings. This Year, Tucker has added the following to his list:
  1. Be less stinky.
  2. Act more like a young gentleman; act less like a young ruffian.
  3. Share more cookie treats with less fortunate dogs.
  4. Spend less time on the bed while his parents are out.

For his sister, Dexter, Tucker has compiled the following list:
  1. Stop being so mean to Tucker.
  2. Try to eat other dogs less.

For his brother, YHP, Tucker has created this list:
  1. Sleep on Tucker's bed less.
  2. Stop attacking Tucker for no good reason.
  3. Be less short. Ha ha.

For his littlest brother, Baron von Dachshund, Tucker has made this list:
  1. Smell less bad.
  2. Bogart less of mom's time so others can get a pet or two.
  3. Snore less.
  4. Eat more vegetables, less other things.

And for Tucker's ...other brother, Chester Copperpots, he made the following:
  1. Act less like a cat.
  2. Attack Tucker's tail less.

Tucker feels pretty good about his list and thinks 2009 will be a good year for him. Year of the Tucker!

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