Saturday, December 20, 2008

Yuletide Concerns

Dear Santa,

Thank you for all the nice things you have given me over the years. I really really appreciate them. Thank you for my brothers and sister and my pretty mother and that guy she says is my dad. I like them all quite a lot.

Now to get down to business. I would like some special things this year because unlike the brothers and sister, I have been really good. I don't get on the furniture half as much as Dexter, and I only go on the bed when chasing YHP. All other times I really am being quite good. So to tell you exactly, if you would really like to know, what I want for the holidays is a new bed. Baron and YHP have a donut shaped bed that is the envy of my eye. But I am more than 2 times too big for it and I flop out the sides. A new, bigger donut bed would sure hit the mark this year. I would not sneeze at anything else you provide in addition to this bed, such as cookie treats or extra pets.

In closing, I hope you make the smart decision this year Santa and provide me with the simple objects I require to continue being a good dog.

Your Loyal Fan,

P.S. And please bring something nice for the other kids. Not that I am opposed to sharing per se, but I think they would like something to inspire them to be good for next year.

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