Tucker claims that when he was born, angels themselves came down a ray of sunshine and handed candy to those present. Once cognizant of his new surrounding, Tucker then thanked the angels and those present and went off in search of adventure and mystery.
Unfortunately,he was quickly scooped up by the dog catcher and placed in foster care until his human family could come find him. And though dramatic, traumatic and full of plot holes as his story may be, Tucker is a bit quizzical about his humble origins. Or at least the genetic pool in which he learned to swim.
Starting with his mother, with her pretty face and soft hair, Tucker can tell that he is not exactly pure in the sense of breed. His mother has a wonderful heritage of Chinese (as exemplified by Tucker's Grandmother who is very nice to him and feeds him apples). But his mother is also part French- American (with a pinch of English and other stuffs) through her father. M

ore importantly, Tucker's mother grew up in Southern California. Which means Tucker is obliged to listen contently to the dulcet tones of the Beach Boys and enjoy the beaches and warm weather.
Tucker's father, an incorrigible mutt himself, is a hodgepodge of genetic stew. A bouillabaisse of European origins, Tucker's father seems to have all the western holidays covered. Greek, Irish, French Canadian, possibly British and most likely Dutch and Danish, Tucker's father seems to relish in the warm glow of debate and mockery. His father also seems to take certain things very seriously, although most people don't seem to care about those same things. Tucker means to say very seriously, and not just saying it to be correct and stuff, yeesh.
But sometimes his mother takes stuff seriously that his father doesn't. This of course confuses Tucker a

s to what is the correct position on things. Tucker, being both celestial and cosmopolitan, has learned the great skill of picking and choosing how he feels about this. He learned this skill through his brother YHP. YHP doesn't seem to sweat the small stuff. Or anything at all. Small, inky black with a bow-tie patch of white and ready for a knife fight , YHP is more like his

father in disposition than Tucker sometimes. But also sweet, patient and likened to fine grooming skills, YHP is a lot like his mother.
Tucker knows that those angels who dropped him on this planet meant for him to be a good kid. He only hopes he gets it right so his parents don't wonder if he is adopted or really theirs.